History Of Jafari Jurisprudence


Principles of jurisprudence

Cover: Soft Cover
Language: English
Author: Allamah Sayyid Hashim Maroof Hasani
Page Count: 352
Translator/Compiler: Sayyid Athar Husain S.H.Rivi


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History of Jafari Jurisprudence This book is in response to the book At – tashri al-Islami authoured by the Egyptian Scholar Sheikh Mohammad Khizri.. Jurisprudence (fiqh) means derivation of divine laws from their sources and History of Jurisprudence is concerned with the question of how this science progressed and how gradually it reached to a point of perfection. All books compiled on this subject are confined to the jurisprudence of Ahle-Sunnat and the authors have not made any mention of Shia. As if in their view, the Shia do not exist at all; or that they have no jurisprudence at all even though history shows that Shia jurisprudence is the oldest jurisprudence and Shia have precedence over other sects with regard to jurisprudence. Western scholars agree that Shia scholars have bestowed a new life to jurisprudence and by developing it, freed it from stagnation. The famous German orientalist, Ignaz Goldziher (1850-1921) writes in Belief and Shariat:”The precedence of Shia in making fruitful, scientific and spiritual topics of Islam was established and it is still so.” Further elucidating the above point, Sayyid Hashim Maroof al-Hasani has beautifully written this History of Ja’fari Jurisprudence or Jurisprudence of the Shia School of thought. He has not only compiled a history, he has also arranged the matter chronologically so that the reader can have instant access to the period of his choice that he wishes to refer.
He has proved from Ahle Sunnat sources that the main jurisprudents in every age were connected to the Shia sect and that they played a very important role in the development of Islamic jurisprudence. Furthermore he has explained the method of Quranic legislation and the manner of prohibiting a thing. Then the author has explained irr some detail the important topics of making of will and the rights of women in Islam. Continuing their mission of propagating authentic Islam among the youth of today, Islamic Seminary (India) has brought out the English translation of this important book to highlight the role of Shia in preservation of Shariah and development of jurisprudence.

Weight 364 g
Dimensions 212 × 137 × 11 mm


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