Who Was Imam Husain (A.S.) & What Is Karbala?


A comprehensive text on the story of Imam Husain (a.s.) and Karbala

Cover: Soft
Language: English
Author: Shahid Husain Meesam Nonahrvi
who was imam Hussain a.s


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Make sure you read this book because it will tell you about an event which will definitely change your life and inspire you.

It will create a great fervour in you against injustice and oppression. Your heart will be filled with courage, passion and zeal. You will be inspired to move on the path of truth. You will be motivated to show patience at the time of difficulty. And, you will be ready to sacrifice everything for humanity.

This is the same epic that inspired Mahatma Gandhi and influenced Nelson Mandela. This is the same epic which fascinated Charles Dickens, Edward Brown, Thomas Carlyl, Rabindra Nath Tagore and innumerous more.

This is the story of Husain who rules over hearts!

Weight 200 g


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