Holy Prophet(s.a.w) said under the ayah:
“…and (He) sent down water from the clouds…” (Surah Ibrahim 14:32)
“…with each drop of rain Allah(s.w.t) sends angels.”
The companions of the Prophet(s.a.w.w) were astonished on hearing thiSayyidHoly Prophet(s.a.w) continued, “Should I tell you about more angels than the ones that come down with the drops of rain? It is the number of angels who seek forgiveness for the lovers of All ibn Abi Talib(a.s.) and the number of angels who curse the enemies of All ibn Abi Talib(a.s.) are even more than those who seek forgiveness for the lovers of Ameerul Momineen(a.s.)….”
(Beharul Anwaar, vol. 27, pg. 99-100)
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